Welcome to the Better Access Evaluation Virtual Consultative Forum on Future Reform to Better Access.
The forum is being run with the support of the Hunt Laboratory for Intelligence Research at the University of Melbourne.
The Better Access initiative was introduced in November 2006 in response to low treatment rates for mental disorders. The ultimate aim of Better Access is to encourage more people to seek support for their mental ill-health. The Better Access initiative provides Medicare rebates to eligible people, so they can access the mental health services they need. Support is available from eligible GPs and other medical practitioners, psychologists, social workers and occupational therapists.
The Department of Health has commissioned the University of Melbourne to evaluate the Better Access program. Part of that evaluation is to consider the future of Better Access.
This project aims to do that via a virtual consultative forum that aims to gather the perspectives and opinions of a broad and diverse range of stakeholders. Forum participants will nominate, discuss and rate key areas for strengthening Better Access going forward and identify strategies and priorities for reform. The forum will yield a “collective view” but will also capture divergent views, ensuring that all participants’ voices are heard.
Thank you for agreeing to participate in the forum.
The following pages provide further information about the aims of the forum and what participating will involve. You will also be asked for some basic contact information and your consent to participate.
After you have completed this onboarding process the evaluation team will follow up and ask you to complete a brief survey as part of the first phase of the consultation process.