This page houses important information, links and downloads that will be used in the MBB-1 Argument Mapping Workshops.
- Download Workbook
If you are in the Monday March 20th 11am workshop, download the workbook below:
If you are in the Monday March 20th 3:15pm workshop, download the workbook below:
- Session 3
Download argument map scaffold for 'Normalising relations with the Taliban' using link below:
To import the map, login to MindMup then click 'file', then 'import', and select the .mup file you downloaded using the link above.
- Session 4
For the 'Mapping sample essay 1' exercise, download the essay using link below:
- MindMup Login
Visit the link below to log in to the argument mapping software MindMup
- Slides for Monday 11am and Tuesday 3:15pm streams
- Slides for Monday 3:15pm and Thursday 3:15pm streams