Plain Language Statement
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School of BioSciences, University of Melbourne | |
Project | Identifying and Rating Quality of Reasoning |
Responsible and Primary Researcher | Associate Professor Tim van Gelder (School of Biosciences, University of Melbourne) |
Additional Researchers | Ashley Barnett and Tamar Primoratz (School of Biosciences, University of Melbourne) |
Thank you for your interest in this research project. The following two pages will provide you with further information about the project, so that you can decide if you would like to take part in this research.
Your participation is voluntary. If you don’t wish to take part, you don’t have to. If you begin participating, you can also stop at any time. Please ask questions about anything that is unclear.
What is this research about?
Our research team is investigating how people identify and evaluate quality of reasoning. Specifically, we want to understand and compare how different kinds of rating instruments and methods can be applied to evaluating quality of reasoning in written products.
What will I be asked to do?
If you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete a training course and an online survey about demographics. Following the training, you will be presented with a variety of written products to evaluate. Finally, after completing the rating exercise, you will be asked to participate in an online survey to provide feedback on your experience. We estimate the total time commitment will range from four to eight hours and it can be done at your own pace.
What are the possible benefits?
Findings from this research will contribute to our understanding of how people recognise and evaluate reasoning in a variety of written forms.
What are the possible risks?
We don’t anticipate any risks from participation in this study. However, if you have any questions, please contact the researchers.
Do I have to take part?
Your decision to participate is voluntary – if you don’t wish to take part, you don’t have to. If you begin participating, you can also stop at any time. If you do wish to stop participating, we will be unable to destroy the data you have already contributed. The nature of the system makes the task of disentangling your data from the overall analysis impossible.
What will happen to information about me?
Information you provide will be safeguarded subject to legal requirements. Your data will be password protected and accessible only by the named researchers. Only de-identified data will be shared with other researchers and the community. The data from this research will be stored at the University of Melbourne for at least 5 years.
Who is funding this project?
This project is funded by the US Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, which is an organization within the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The grant is administered under the CREATE Program. It is part of a large project: the SWARM project at The University of Melbourne (see
Where can I get further information?
If you would like more information about the project, please contact:
Associate Professor Tim van Gelder | | |
Ashley Barnett | | |
Tamar Primoratz | | |
Who can I contact if I have any concerns about the project?
This research project has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of The University of Melbourne. If you have any concerns or complaints about the conduct of this research project, which you do not wish to discuss with the research team, you should contact the Manager, Human Research Ethics, Research Ethics and Integrity, University of Melbourne, VIC 3010.
Phone | +61 3 8344 2073 | |
All complaints will be treated confidentially. In any correspondence please provide the name of the research team or the name or ethics ID number (1646872) of the research project.